Ride Reports - continued ...

Pat Lydon told us about trading the MZ for a KTM 620RXC.  Went for a ride across town on it, and woke up with a paramedic in his face.  Seems some 80-year old blue hair ran a red light at speed to give Pat a rear fender to plow into.  Only some bike damage, rung bell, bruises, & sprains to deal with.

New Business

Pat Lydon handed out information about his upcoming (June 5-6) Joe Johannson Memorial Sierra Ride to Loyalton.

Earl, Catfish, & their boys will be (were) dirt riding & camping at Fout Springs (west of Stonyford) over the Memorial-Day weekend.

Catfish talked about his July - Dardanelles Sierra Ride.   See the last page for details & the sign-up sheet.

Big-Bad Brad Luther is moving from southern California to Cameron Park (up Hwy-50 east of Sacramento) soon.

Pete Silva (new# 925-933-8997) made his annual appearance at this meeting.  He talked about numerous 1st & 3rd finishes on his CZ in the vintage MX competition.  Pretty impressive considering the cane he's using to get around & the personal problems he's dealing with right now.  He's also working on Wendy Epstein's #17 sidehack rig.  They'll both be competing in Donner at the Hwy-40 Hillclimbs in August.

Speaking of the Old Hwy-40 Days Hillclimb, August 14-15; Rene reminded everyone that only floor space is still available in his rented condo for the weekend with deck views of the paved Hillclimb.  Price is $60/person for the weekend.  Contact him at 415-883-9092 if interested.  Allan Paul also mentioned that there might be a slim chance that he'll be at his condo up there that weekend also.  He won't know for sure til later.

Brian Halton mentioned his CityBike Copper Canyon Trip in late September & how everyone was welcome to join 'em.  Well, that's all Patrick Moriarty & Pat Lydon needed to get all wound up with Brian about Mexico for the next 20 minutes.  Sheeesh, you'd though it was a blowjob, or something!

Alan Macias said we had about $1330 in the bank, which caused most everyone who heard that to start fantasizing about how they'd spend it.  Luckily, Rene adjourned the meeting before any appropriations bills could make it out of committee.


The Northstars are an interesting collection of characters, but are generally missing that one key ingredient that would further our cause for truth, justice, & the ever illusive status of Squidicus Emeritus. What am I babbling about, you ask?   Why, nicknames, of course!  Sure, the Northstars gave me my nickname years ago, and we use to have others too; like Harpo & Fish.   However, I don't believe we have bestowed any new nicknames in more than 10 years.   This has been way too long.  Now, nicknames should not be taken lightly.  In the fine tradition of our native Americans and their custom of naming a child after the 1st thing they saw when they emerged from the teepee after birth, we should only give meaningful, or earned, nicknames to our brethren.   It is in this spirit that I would like to continue this great tradition by recognizing the uniqueness of a fellow Northstar.  He recently joined the club, acquired a sexy new Italian moto, and has been suckered ... err-ahh ... lurked into the position of Editor for Brian Halton's CityBike.  Yes, I'm talking about John Dangling-Feet Mulvihill.  Have you followed him yet?  Its not unusual for riders to dangle briefly after many miles to help prevent cramps & such, but this guy does it all day!  If he ain't in a curve, he's dangling.  Well, I guess its a little long & cumbersome for a nickname, but it sure fits.  Good luck with the new job John, and welcome to the Northstars!

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