E-mailing List InformationThe <sfnorthstars@yahoogroups.com> email-based mailing list is for members & active guests to announce & discuss club rides, meetings, & events. Only Northstars & their guests are allowed to join, or subscribe to the list. Only subscribers (from the email accounts they subscribed with) will be able to send email to this private list. We ask the subscribers to this list to please keep their discussion content to only club and member-related issues & events. The list(s) are configured to allow ONLY plain-text email messages. All MIME enclosures & attachments of any kind are removed before the message is forwarded to list subscribers. If you notice the last message you sent to the list only has the following text in it; [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] then you need to figure out how to turn off your MIME encoding/enclosures or text formatting, so subscribers can see what message you intended them to see. These restrictions are required to prevent the propagation of an email virus/worm/malicious-code from an infected subscriber.
The list can be dealt with exclusively via the email addresses above, or if you are willing to go through YahooGroups's free account registration, you can access the web-browser forum interface & archived messages you may have missed at the URL above. Last update; July 02, 2009 ©1995-2007, San Francisco Northstars Motorcycle Club |